low overhead profiler for erlang?

mabrek mabrek@REDACTED
Mon May 3 17:23:48 CEST 2010


Is there a way to do profiling with low overhead?

I tried eprof and fprof, in both cases profiling slowed down my application 10 times. It was able to serve 40 http requests per second without profiling but when I enabled profiling speed dropped down to 4 requests per second.
It seems that such a big overhead skews results of profiling adding time to frequently called functions. 
I knew that the most time consuming part of my application was database queries (I proved that later by replacing external SQL database with mnesia RAM table), but profiler failed to show it. Frequently called xmerl xml escaping functions were above all in a sorted by accumulated time results.

Anton Lebedevich.

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