[erlang-questions] Overriding built-in functions in a module
Igor Ribeiro Sucupira
Fri Jun 4 05:39:19 CEST 2010
On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 10:00 PM, Richard O'Keefe <ok@REDACTED> wrote:
> So let's do what the first error message says:
> * 4 bar() -> ?MODULE:spawn(fun (X) -> X+1 end).
> m% erlc foo.erl
> ./foo.erl:6: Warning: defining BIF spawn/1
> ./foo.erl:6: Warning: function spawn/1 is unused
> There's an explicit call there, how can it not be used?
This was a little bit unrelated to the topic. Given that you can't
call a non-exported function with that syntax, that code is certainly
not calling the local fun spawn/1, since it's not exported.
Considering it's not called anywhere in the module, it's then unused.
That's another characteristic of Erlang you're questioning (the reason
why you can't call a non-exported LOCAL function with module syntax).
As for the other characteristic (local functions not overriding
built-ins in local calls), I totally agree with you and share your
worries. I have Erlang code in production and would be happy if
upgrades to newer version of Erlang would require as few changes as
Best regards.
> Change it again, so that now it reads
> * 1 -module(foo).
> 2 -export([bar/0,spawn/1]).
> 3
> * 4 bar() -> ?MODULE:spawn(fun (X) -> X+1 end).
> 5
> 6 spawn(F) -> F(41).
> Erlc is now silent, and foo:bar() gives the expected answer.
> The price is that a function which was never meant to be exported
> (and because of the clash with a built in function never _should_
> be exported, to avoid confusion) *has* to be exported, and a call
> to a purely local function has to be a remote call.
> This is silly.
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