Reminder: SF Erlounge hosted by Powerset/Microsoft on February 11th

Nick Gerakines nick@REDACTED
Thu Jan 28 22:01:10 CET 2010

Thursday, February 11th, 2009 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

The next SF Erlounge is just around the corner thanks to
Powerset/Microsoft for providing the space. The event is open to the
public. Erlang developers, functional programming folks and the
curious are welcome to this social event. Light food and drinks will
be provided. There isn't a set agenda so please let me know if you'd
like to present.

  A Microsoft Company
  475 Brannan Street, Suite 330
  San Francisco, CA 94107

As always, we greatly appreciate it when you RSVP. Please direct any
questions or comments to nick+sferlounge@REDACTED I can also be
reached on my mobile phone, +1 (415) 963-1165. Plan on parking in the
street or taking public transit.

As always, the same or better information can be found at  If you are interested in hosting or have
questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

# Nick Gerakines

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