[erlang-questions] Compiler to warn on used underscore-variables
Tony Arcieri
Tue Jan 5 09:34:10 CET 2010
2010/1/5 Zoltan Lajos Kis <kiszl@REDACTED>
> I also understand that many compiler warnings (unused variable, wrong no.
> of args in format call, etc.) are output because there is a clear sign of
> a (semantic) mistake and not because of the source code being invalid.
> So I believe that the current behavior of not warning about a most
> probable mistake with _Var variables is the counter-intuitive one.
Along with single assignment there exists a whole class of errors where you
may mistakenly use a previously bound variable in a pattern intending to use
an unbound one. This has nothing to do with a '_' prefix on them at all,
rather it's simply a class of errors that exist with single assignment and
pattern matching.
There is no general solution to this problem either, any more than there is
a general solution to accidently destructively rebinding a variable then
assuming you were referencing a previous version in languages that support
destructive assignment.
I'm not sure what alternative you're proposing. Would you prefer all
variables prefixed with an underscore have the same semantics as '_'?
No compiler is going to be able to think for you.
Tony Arcieri
Medioh! A Kudelski Brand
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