[erlang-questions] gen_server and the run-time errors

Gilberto Carmenate García co7eb@REDACTED
Wed Dec 8 20:42:49 CET 2010

Hi, info

well, try to try catch the line
ets:insert(?MODULE,{Pid,0}),  <<<< this line provokes the shutdown
or simple catch

you got shutdown reason at the end because for the supervisor the only
matter is the gen_server final state so, and its state was shutdown
because any error was threw under its initialization, so to know and print
what error was try the try..catch clause 

    ets:insert(?MODULE,{Pid,0}),  <<<< this line provokes the shutdown

        io:format("Error: ~p  Reason: ~p", [Error, Reason])

or something like that.


-----Original Message-----
From: "info" <info@REDACTED>
To: "Gilberio_Carmenates_García" <co7eb@REDACTED>
Cc: "erlang-questions" <erlang-questions@REDACTED>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2010 17:51:13 +0100
Subject: Re: RE: [erlang-questions] gen_server and the run-time errors

> Hi,
> I have this ok !
> init()->
> process_flag(trap_exit,true),
> handle_A(),
> {ok,0}.
> handle_A()->
> Pid=proc_lib:spawn_link(...),
> ets:insert(?MODULE,{Pid,0}),  <<<< this line provokes the shutdown
> ok.
> I know my error but I would like to see on the screen the "Reason" and
> not "shutdown": I lost information somewhere !
> J-Ph. Constantin
> ITS3 Genève
> www.its3.ch

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