[erlang-questions] How to stop a detached OTP app?

Ulf Wiger ulf.wiger@REDACTED
Fri Aug 20 22:36:07 CEST 2010

Or, if you really want to set the controller node name

#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-

main([Me, N]) ->
     {ok, _} = net_kernel:start([list_to_atom(Me), longnames]),
     Res = rpc:call(list_to_atom(N), init, stop, []),
     io:fwrite("==> ~p~n", [Res]).

You could complement it with net tick time and cookie settings.


Ulf W

Ulf Wiger wrote:
> How about this?
> #!/usr/bin/env escript
> %% -*- erlang -*-
> %%! -name ctl
> main([N]) ->
>     Res = rpc:call(list_to_atom(N), init, stop, []),
>     io:fwrite("==> ~p~n", [Res]).
> It worked for me.
> Call it with e.g. ./stop thenode@REDACTED
> BR,
> Ulf W
> Armando Di Cianno wrote:
>> I'm most certainly doing something braindead, which is stopping me
>> from being able to nicely stop an OTP app I've written.
>> I've written a script to help me start, stop, and connect to the app
>> for debugging purposes. However, no variation of 'stop' I've tried
>> seems to work.
>> Here's the script:
>> ### start
>> #!/usr/bin/env bash
>> USER="myuser"
>> APP="myapp"
>> HOSTNAME=`hostname -f`
>> RELEASE_PATH="/usr/local/lib/${APP}"
>> HOME="/var/lib/${APP}"
>> LOG_PATH="/var/log/${APP}"
>> case "$1" in
>>     "start")
>>         su ${USER} -p -c \
>>             "erl -pa ${RELEASE_PATH}/ebin -name ${NODE} -boot ${APP} 
>> -mnesia
>> dir '\"${HOME}\"' -sasl sasl_error_logger '{file,
>> \"${LOG_PATH}/erlang.log\"}' -detached"
>>         ;;
>>     "stop")
>>         su ${USER} -p -c \
>>             "erl -pa ${RELEASE_PATH}/ebin -name ctl_${NODE} -remsh 
>> ${NODE}
>> -eval \"init:stop()\" -noshell"
>>         ;;
>>     "debug")
>>         echo "*** Use Ctrl-C Ctrl-C to exit. ***"
>>         su ${USER} -p -c \
>>             "erl -pa ${RELEASE_PATH}/ebin -name ctl_${NODE} -remsh 
>> ${NODE}"
>>         ;;
>>     *)
>>         echo "Please use 'start', 'stop', or 'debug."
>>         exit 1
>>         ;;
>> esac
>> exit 0
>> ### end
>> For stopping, I've tried:
>> * erl -pa ${RELEASE_PATH}/ebin -name ctl_${NODE} -remsh ${NODE} -eval
>> "init:stop()"
>> * erl -pa ${RELEASE_PATH}/ebin -name ctl_${NODE} -remsh ${NODE} -s 
>> init stop
>> * erl -pa ${RELEASE_PATH}/ebin -name ctl_${NODE} -remsh ${NODE} -s
>> ${APP} -extra stop  #where I've added some command arg processing to
>> the app
>> ... and some other variantions.
>> If I connect to the app using the debug mode of my script, and issue
>> init:stop(), everything shuts down nicely.
>> Thanks for any insights into this. Cheers,
>> __armando
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Ulf Wiger
CTO, Erlang Solutions Ltd, formerly Erlang Training & Consulting Ltd

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