[erlang-questions] Wondering on active TCP socket
Kaiduan Xie
Fri Aug 13 15:34:55 CEST 2010
Thanks everyone. As Joe pointed out we can introduce traffic control
using {active, once}.
My point here is to understand how Erlang gen_tcp interacts with the
underlying OS TCP stack.
More pointers on this are welcome.
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 8:49 AM, Tony Rogvall <tony@REDACTED> wrote:
> {active, once}
> /Tony
> On 13 aug 2010, at 12.12, Kresten Krab Thorup wrote:
>> Hi,
>> In "active" mode, a socket acts like an infinite loop that simply forwards incoming data to the designated target process. Incoming data is repackaged according to the socket's current packet mode.
>> There is no flow control, unlike normal message sends where the sender is punished with reductions proportional to the size of the message queue. The port driver does not have a concept of reductions that will slow it down, and most of it's operations run in the asynch threads that are independent of the normal scheduling of Erlang processes; so driver's are at liberty to run infinitely.
>> So perhaps you can insert something like this in your consume loop to do your own pseudo flow control - this will switch active on/off according to some high/low watermark for the consuming process queue length. But since the port runs independently, there is no guarantee that the queue does not overrun.
>> Kresten
>> init() ->
>> Socket = inets:accept(...);
>> ControlState = set_controlled_active(Socket, 100, 200),
>> main_loop(ControlState).
>> main_loop(CS) ->
>> CS2 = control_active(true, CS),
>> receive
>> {data, DataPkt} -> ...
>> main_loop(CS2)
>> ...
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %% pseudo flow control for active sockets %%
>> -record(flow_control,{socket,is_active,low,high}).
>> set_controlled_active(Socket, LowWaterMark, HighWaterMark) ->
>> [{active, IsActive}] = inet:getopts(Socket, [active]),
>> control_active(true,
>> #flow_control { socket=Socket,
>> is_active=IsActive,
>> low=LowWaterMark,
>> high=HighWaterMark}).
>> %% you want it to be active, and it is currently set to active; test
>> %% if our queue size is above the high watermark
>> control_active(true, #flow_control{is_active=true, high=HW}=State) ->
>> {message_queue_len, QLen} = erlang:process_info(message_queue_len),
>> case QLen > HW of
>> true ->
>> ok = inet:setopts(State#flow_control.socket, [{active, false}]),
>> State#flow_control{is_active=false};
>> false ->
>> State
>> end;
>> %% you want it to be active, but it is currently set to non-active; test
>> %% if our queue size is below the LowWatermark
>> control_active(true, #flow_control{is_active=false, low=LW}=State) ->
>> {message_queue_len, QLen} = erlang:process_info(message_queue_len),
>> case QLen < LW of
>> true ->
>> ok = inet:setopts(State#flow_control.socket, [{active, true}]),
>> State#flow_control{is_active=true};
>> false ->
>> State
>> end;
>> %% setting active to false
>> control_active(false, #flow_control{socket=Socket}=State ) ->
>> ok = inet:setopts(Socket,[{active, false}]),
>> State#flow_control{is_active=false}.
>> On Aug 12, 2010, at 15:51 , Kaiduan Xie wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> From Joe's book,
>>> "Once an active socket has been created, the controlling process will
>>> be sent {tcp, Socket, Data} messages as data is received. There
>>> is no way the controlling process can control the flow of these
>>> messages. A rogue client could send thousands of messages to
>>> the system, and these would all be sent to the controlling process.
>>> The controlling process cannot stop this flow of messages."
>>> "This process cannot control the flow of messages to the server loop.
>>> If the client produces data faster than the server can consume this
>>> data,
>>> then the system can be flooded with messages—the message buffers will
>>> fill up, and the system might crash or behave strangely."
>>> For this case, I think that the flow control of underlying OS TCP
>>> stack will kick in, and the sender can not send more packets. How the
>>> system can be flooded with messages in erlang?
>>> Can someone elaborate more on this point?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Kaiduan
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