[erlang-questions] writing a linked in driver by hand or using a tool.
Mon Aug 9 21:56:21 CEST 2010
I would say the modern way is to use a NIF. Especially in the upcoming R14,
it can replace linked-in drivers in most situations. It can be coupled much
more tightly with your erlang code and it allows you to really use C just
for what is necessary. The resource data type with garbage collection is a
really kick-ass feature.
I'm in the process of rewriting my pretty complex linked-in driver (written
plain without edtk/dryerl) with a NIF, simply because it allows me to put
more of the functionality on the erlang side and it makes the entire
codebase much easier to handle and work with.
2010/8/9 João Henrique Freitas <joaohf@REDACTED>
> Hi,
> I need to interface with posix queue and system V. To achieve this I
> need to code a linked in driver (I choice this option). My doubt is:
> What is the best choice: use a tool (like edtk or dryerl) or code by
> hand? What is the modern way to do it?
> Thanks.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> João Henrique Freitas - joaohf_at_gmail.com
> Campinas-SP-Brasil
> BSD051283
> LPI 1
> http://www.joaohfreitas.eti.br
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