[erlang-questions] Which Erlang JSON parser?

Pablo Platt pablo.platt@REDACTED
Mon Aug 2 10:21:20 CEST 2010

How does it avoid the need of tagging?
The readme says:

>>Note: proptuple is result of passing proplist to list_to_atom bif ;)
>>This is concept of mine to nicely model javascript object without a need of 
>>tagging structures on erlang side.

But I don't understand what a proptuple is.

From: Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED>
Cc: alisdair sullivan <alisdairsullivan@REDACTED>; "erlang-questions@REDACTED" 
Sent: Fri, July 30, 2010 9:32:50 AM
Subject: Re: [erlang-questions] Which Erlang JSON parser?

I've just tested http://github.com/lambder/jsonerl
It has cool macros  ?record_to_json

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