[erlang-questions] "Bad value on output port 'tcp_inet'" for null terminated messages

Per Hedeland per@REDACTED
Fri Sep 11 00:35:59 CEST 2009

Per Hedeland <per@REDACTED> wrote:
>I wouldn't think such breakage could be caused by Windows, but who
>knows - maybe it has "binary" and "text" sockets...

Sorry, forgot the smiley there - of course it's the VM's I/O system that
gives the error message, Windows can't be blamed. And it does that if
you try to send something that isn't an I/O list, e.g.

8> gen_tcp:send(S1, [message, text, 0]).

=ERROR REPORT==== 11-Sep-2009::00:29:12 ===
Bad value on output port 'tcp_inet'

So again, you probably aren't describing the problem correctly.


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