[erlang-questions] set macro value depending on compilation parameters
Zoltan Lajos Kis
Sun Oct 25 02:00:08 CEST 2009
Roberto Ostinelli wrote:
> dear all,
> i need to define a macro to expand differently depending on a macro
> value passed at compilation time.
> for instance, consider the following macro declared inside a module 'test':
> -ifdef(foo).
> -define(FCTN, true).
> -endif.
> now, what i would like is that if i compile the module 'test' like this:
> 1>c(test, {d, foo, bar}).
> {ok, test}
> then inside module 'foo' the macro ?FCTN expands to true [as per the
> example above], while if i compile like this:
> 1>c(test, {d, foo, baz}).
> {ok, test}
> then inside module 'foo' the macro ?FCTN expands to false.
> the way i'm currently using to achieve this is:
> -ifdef(foo).
> -define(FCTN, case ?foo of
> bar ->
> true;
> baz ->
> false
> end).
> -endif.
> however, i do not want to have FCTN perform a case condition every
> time it is called, since it will ALWAYS return one of the two options
> once it is compiled. is erlc already optimizing this, ignoring the
> case condition? or is there another [and better] way to achieve this
> result?
> thank you for any suggestions you may have.
> cheers,
> r.
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If you only need a binary solution, you can switch between the two by
defining or not defining foo (with an arbitrary value):
-define(FCTN, true).
-define(FCTN, false).
If you need multiple values I think your best bet currently is to pass
the desired value with the definition:
-define(FCTN, ?foo).
-define(FCTN, false).
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