writing an snmp client
Sat Oct 10 03:54:48 CEST 2009
I'm looking in to writting an application which is an SNMP client. I've
found two references that look to be worth read namely,
Besides the manual is there anything I should read? Any examples I
should look at? What I'm really looking for is a sort of check list or
walk through for a minimal client.
I tried setting up a snmp manager as described in the quick start (NB: I
only followed the section Manager Config on as I don't need an agent) ,
but got
1> application:start(snmp).
2> snmpm:which_users().
** exception error: bad argument
in function ets:match/2
called as ets:match(snmpm_user_table,{user,'$1','_','_'})
in call from snmpm_config:which_users/0
3> snmpm:which_agents().
** exception error: bad argument
in function ets:match/2
called as ets:match(snmpm_agent_table,{{'$1','$2',user_id},'_'})
in call from snmpm_config:which_agents/1
Is there a general bit that's common to the both the agent and the
manager that I would have missed by skipping to the manager section?
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