[erlang-questions] crash collectors (with emailing)

Jayson Vantuyl kagato@REDACTED
Fri Oct 9 16:11:57 CEST 2009

Yes.  This would require an error_logger.  It's a gen_event, so you'll  
want to brush up on the gen_event docs.  If you want examples, the  
sasl TTY logger is the simplest (see OTP_ROOT/lib/sasl-X.X.X/src/ 
sasl_report_tty_h.erl).  There's also log_mf_h (in OTP_ROOT/lib/stdlib- 
X.X.X/src/log_mf_h.erl).  Making a logger is dead-simple.

One other note, if you're doing Distributed Erlang, I believe that  
system-level errors (like node-down) may be logged on the node they  
occur, but remote processes may log to their group-leader (which may  
be on another node).  So you may have weird issues getting those logs  
when network problems are involved.

Good luck!

On Oct 8, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Max Lapshin wrote:

> There are many services in world of Ruby on Rails, that collect
> exceptions, raised on production servers
> and send them directly via email, or via buffering service (if there
> are thousands of similar errors, you will receive only one).
> It haven't yet seen anything the same for Erlang. I want to receive
> via email crash dumps, logged to error_logger.
> Am I right, that I will need to make an error_logger handler for this?
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Jayson Vantuyl

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