Erlang on Windows from USB

zambal zambal@REDACTED
Mon Nov 30 23:08:46 CET 2009

On 30 nov, 17:58, Giuseppe Luigi Punzi <glpu...@REDACTED> wrote:
> "G:\Desarrollo\erl5.7.4\bin\erl.exe
> The aplication couldn't be started because it's configuration is
> incorrect. Reinstall the application could solve the problem"

My first guess would be missing Visual C++ run-time dll's. I'm pretty
sure Erlang is dynamically linked to these files (because the Erlang
setup automatically runs the VC++ redistributable installer) and if
these files are missing, I know from experience that exactly this
error message is generated. If you can't install the VC++
redistributable installer on the target machine, the solution would be
to manually copy the needed dll's in to the same folder as erl.exe and
werl.exe. I can't easily check which files these are but I think they
are all named like mfc*80.dll.

good luck,

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