[erlang-questions] Erlang on Windows from USB

Robert Raschke rtrlists@REDACTED
Mon Nov 30 18:44:58 CET 2009

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Giuseppe Luigi Punzi <
glpunzi@REDACTED> wrote:

>  In the bin folder of your Erlang installation on Windows, you will find an
> erl.ini file. This contains some absolute paths that need to point to the
> correct locations of your installation root and the erts bin folder within
> that.
> Yes, I changed it.
> [erlang]
> Bindir=G:\\Desarrollo\\erl5.7.4\\erts-5.7.4\\bin
> Progname=erl
> Rootdir=G:\\Desarrollo\\erl5.7.4
Ah, it's been so long since I looked at all of this. There's actually TWO
erl.ini files! One in the top level bin, and another in the erts/bin folder.
Methinks that probably they have to agree if you're invoking from the top
level bin folder.

I tend to ignore the top level bin folder and invoke the exe's in the erts
folder instead. But I also pass in explicit config and boot options, so your
mileage may vary.


PS There's also some registry entries, but I've never quite understood what
they are for.

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