[erlang-questions] Stopping spawned process

Erik Reitsma erlang@REDACTED
Sun Nov 29 15:31:15 CET 2009

I checked what happens with other languages. In Python the behavior is 
similar to in Erlang, when I use subprocess.Popen: the child process 
stays alive when the Python process terminates. In Java, however, the 
child process is killed. Probably a list of child processes is 
maintained, and the children are sent a kill signal when the JVM is 
killed. In Erlang I do not get direct access to the PID of the child, 
neither do I get the opportunity to do anything when Erlang terminates 
(or do I?).

Another process watcher would be a bit heavy for my purpose: a wrapper 
around mplayer, as a client to a DVB-S media server.

Max Lapshin wrote:
> There is no guaranteed way to kill child process in common unix =(
> Maybe another process watcher.
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