[erlang-questions] couchdb in Karmic Koala

Masklinn masklinn@REDACTED
Thu Nov 19 16:03:35 CET 2009

On 19 Nov 2009, at 15:06 , Joe Armstrong wrote:
> A few questions:
> 1) Is couchdb running on my machine and how can I confirm this?
> 2) How is couchdb started and stopped?
> 3) Can I use couchdb for my own applications of is it reserved for system use?
> 4) Where is Erlang hidden away?
> 5) Can I use the hidden Erlang for my own applications
> 6) Can I distribute my own Erlang applications that make use of the
>    Erlang that has (apparently) been installed in Karmic Koala
> Having Erlang on all Karmic Koala machines could lead to many exciting
> things :-)
> /Joe

Ars's piece on Karmic has a few informations: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/reviews/2009/11/good-karma-ars-reviews-ubuntu-910.ars/6

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