[erlang-questions] Why Beam.smp crashes when memory is over?

Jayson Vantuyl kagato@REDACTED
Mon Nov 9 18:42:39 CET 2009

The problem is that there is no way for the VM to really know which  
process is leaking.  The Linux OOM-killer has gone through a bunch of  
rewrites and it still doesn't always get it right.

It might be possible to have a threshold trigger that would hit some  
sort of global alarm that could be application specific.  That's  
probably the closest you could get though.

On Nov 8, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Max Lapshin wrote:

> Look, I have a program, that reads MPEG TS stream from network. There
> is some bug in my code
> and my ts_lander crashes beam. How is it possible to store state of
> external HTTP stream??
> If Erlang VM wouldn't crash, but only kill the leaking process, I
> could buffer stream in other process and feed
> new mpeg ts lander after restart. But it is impossible =(
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Jayson Vantuyl

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