[erlang-questions] Web servers and unicode support?

Fred Janon fjanon@REDACTED
Sat Nov 7 14:44:39 CET 2009

Thanks everyone for your answers and pointers, really appreciated. I'll
start working on it as soon as my present project permits, then.


On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 21:00, Bryan Fink <bryan.fink@REDACTED> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Fred Janon <fjanon@REDACTED> wrote:
> > I want to design a web application with support for European,  Asian
> > languages as well as English, meaning Unicode. I am very interested in
> doing
> > that in Erlang with Mnesia or MySQL or Postgres (when I figure out if I
> can
> > use Mnesia), but what would I need to use (web server, extensions) to
> > support these languages/Unicode? I saw a few posting about not so great
> > String support in Erlang, therefore even less for Unicode. What's the
> > status?
> Hi, Fred.  Like a few others here, I also have a website running on
> Erlang (mochiweb/webmachine/mnesia) right now, and it also handles
> UTF-8 just fine.  For what it's worth, UTF-16 would have worked just
> as well, but UTF-8 was more convenient, given the set of services the
> website communicates with (solr, facebook, browsers, ...).
> For actually working with unicode text (not just storing & fetching),
> I've found the Starling project's links to the ICU library to be quite
> helpful:
> http://12monkeys.co.uk/starling/
> The unpublicized xmerl_ucs module included with Erlang releases also
> has some useful tools for converting among character encodings, if
> you're unable to use R13B's unicode module.
> -Bryan
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