Modifying an mnesia table key

Dale Harvey harveyd@REDACTED
Fri May 29 03:35:51 CEST 2009

is the only way to modify the key of an mnesia table to copy
it to a temporary table and back again manually or am I missing


test() ->
    ok = mnesia:delete_schema([node()]),
    ok = mnesia:create_schema([node()]),
    mnesia:dirty_write(test, {test, "123", "some data"}),

create() ->
    mnesia:create_table(test, [{type, bag},
                               {attributes, [id, field1]}]).

transform() ->
    F = fun({test, _Id, Field}) ->
                {test, 123, Field}
    mnesia:transform_table(test, F, [id, field1]).

{aborted,{"Bad transform function",test,
          {"Bad key or Record Name",
           {test,"123","some data"},
           {test,123,"some data"}}}}

(also slightly confused by the transform function in mnesia_scheme.erl that
seems to read that transforms will only work if the transformed record is
== to the original one)

transform_obj(Tab, RecName, Key, Fun, [Obj|Rest], NewArity, Type, Ws, Ds) ->
    NewObj = Fun(Obj),
        size(NewObj) /= NewArity ->
            exit({"Bad arity", Obj, NewObj});
    NewObj == Obj ->
        transform_obj(Tab, RecName, Key, Fun, Rest, NewArity, Type, Ws, Ds);
        RecName == element(1, NewObj), Key == element(2, NewObj) ->
            transform_obj(Tab, RecName, Key, Fun, Rest, NewArity,
              Type, [NewObj | Ws], Ds);
    NewObj == delete ->
        case Type of
        bag -> %% Just don't write that object
           transform_obj(Tab, RecName, Key, Fun, Rest,
                 NewArity, Type, Ws, Ds);
        _ ->
            transform_obj(Tab, RecName, Key, Fun, Rest, NewArity,
                  Type, Ws, [NewObj | Ds])
        true ->
            exit({"Bad key or Record Name", Obj, NewObj})

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