[erlang-questions] \bclarify: Exception on erlsom:write_xsd_hrl_file for XMLSchema

Mike Ziebeck mike@REDACTED
Thu May 21 10:24:44 CEST 2009

Willem de Jong schrieb:
> Hello Mike,
> ..
> If you just wanted to test the capabilities of Erlsom, then I suggest 
> you do a couple more tests with more "normal" schema's

Hello Willem,

 my aim was to explore the capabilities of erlang to client/serve for SOA.

 Starting out with erlsoap (using it, creating the model from WSDL failed),
 I went down the stairs of abstraction stepwise. OTP::xmerl now parses the
 XMLSchema file after ensuring it can find additional schema definition
 files like datatypes.dtd & XMLSchema.dtd. So I tryed to come back to
 erlsom and see, if its working with datatypes.dtd & XMLSchema.dtd in
 its path - before trying erlsoap again.
> (let me know if you encounter more problems..).
 I have tested some more WSDL from the net and they cause erlsom throw
 exceptions too. Examples are:

  %% not working [WebService: USA Weather Forecast]
  %% not working [WebService: Bank Foreclosures Database]
  %% not working [WebService: Simple Event Management Protocol Service]

 See the attached file for more reproduction code. 
> For example, you could do:
> 15> erlsom:scan_file("BookStore.xsd", erlsom_parseXsd:xsdModel()).
 Ok, I'll check this out.

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