[erlang-questions] about spawning time

Richard Andrews bbmaj7@REDACTED
Thu May 21 07:30:22 CEST 2009

How about 1 parent doing 100 * 5000 spawns versus 100 parents doing 5000 spawns each? At least then you are measuring the same number of process spawns.

From: junli gu <gujunli@REDACTED>
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Sent: Thursday, 21 May, 2009 11:36:38 AM
Subject: [erlang-questions] about spawning time

I've writen two spawning programs:
 a): is just spawning 5000 process, the time eclapsed is 1.72us,
 b): 100process each spawning 5000 new process, the  average time needed is 1.52us,less than a).
I don't understand why.I believe b) will consume mch more  time than a).

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