[erlang-questions] How to solve the blocking accept call in a tcp_listener process ?

Oscar Hellström oscar@REDACTED
Wed May 20 01:38:45 CEST 2009

An example of a generic accept loop (that can be used with OTP) can be 
found here: http://code.hellstrom.st/hg.cgi/gen_tcpd/

You might not want to use this, but I got tired of rewriting the accept 
loop every time... It was recently changed to have support acceptors as 

Ulf Wiger wrote:
> Claes Wikstrom wrote:
>> The way I've always done it is to spawn the acceptor as:
>> L = listen(...),
>> listen_loop(L).
>> listen_loop(L) ->
>>     Top = self(),
>>     spawn(fun() ->
>>             Sock = accept(L),
>>             Top ! one_more,
>>             handle_sock(Sock)
>>            end),
>>      receive
>>         one_more ->
>>            listen_loop(L)
>>      end.
> In newer versions of Erlang (since R11 or R12, not exactly sure),
> you can have multiple acceptors on the same socket. We have found
> this to be slightly faster:
> listener(L) ->
>     [spawn(fun() -> acceptor(L) end || _ <- lists:seq(1,100)],
>     listen_loop(L).
> acceptor(L) ->
>     Sock = accept(L),
>     spawn(fun() -> acceptor(L) end),
>     handle_sock(Sock).
> The notion of spawning the next acceptor from the
> previous acceptor may have to be modified or extended
> if you need supervision of the processes, of course.
> BR,
> Ulf W

Oscar Hellström, oscar@REDACTED
Office: +44 20 7655 0337
Mobile: +44 798 45 44 773
Erlang Training and Consulting Ltd

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