[erlang-questions] What ever happened to Stand Alone Erlang (sae) ?

Joe Armstrong erlang@REDACTED
Wed May 6 17:25:38 CEST 2009

My old SAE is not supported at all - do not use it.

Having made a stand-alone erlang a few times I observed the following:

To make a cross platform "thing" that produces a single executable
is *very* tricky - I made a generator that produced windows or
linux (elf) executables - it would be difficult to include OS-X.

Making a framework that is based on the distribution of a "small
number of files"  is a lot easier. (By small I mean well less than 10,
say 3-7 files).

So making something based on (say) 4 big files and 2 small files
is easy. The size of the application being a single file containing
the compressed beam code for your application.

<this is pretty much like the java solution where you distribute
applications in single .jar files>

 if you look at the section marked "LOADING OF CODE FROM ARCHIVE
FILES" in the code.erl manual page you'll see how to load code
from a zip file. This stuff works today.

Full tool support to generate executable archives and to reduce the
footprint of the system is in the official OTP pipeline

/Joe Armstrong

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Carl McDade <carlmcdade@REDACTED> wrote:
> This looked to be one of the high points of Erlang but all talk and
> development seems to have stopped in 2004. The basic kit from Joe
> Armstrong was not tested past R8 it seems. According to a thread in
> the mailing list he turned  the project over to an unknown entity in
> hopes SAE would make it into the common distribution package. Since
> that time nothing can be found in the way of information or
> documentation.
> Was this shelved?
> Has anyone experimented with getting it to work on R12 or later?
> Inquiring minds want to know.
> --
> Carl McDade
> Content Management Systems Consultant
> www.hiveminds.co.uk
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