[erlang-questions] erlang-questions Digest, Vol 24, Issue 15

John Haugeland stonecypher@REDACTED
Tue May 5 18:30:09 CEST 2009

I am working on an EEP for a mechanism.  It is not yet ready for public
consumption, but if you're curious, grab scutil from http://scutil.com/ and
look in /erl/eep/ .  I'm hoping to have significant content within the next
several days.  Right now it's just boilerplate and justification; the
technical stuff should start going in after work today or tomorrow.

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 5:48 AM, Johnny Billquist <bqt@REDACTED> wrote:

> Alpár Jüttner wrote:
>> when Erlang is a clearly OO language.  The "This isn't the right place"
>>>> argument doesn't work on this list even when it's correct.  Don't shoot
>>>> other people's questions down like this.
>>> Sorry, but the original answer was absolutely correct.
>> I wouldn't say that.
>> You posted an longish and angry discussion how these tasks can be done
>> using control sequences. That is good (and indeed not really on-topic
>> here).
>> But you remained silent about the obvious question of how to send these
>> control sequences to the terminal. It fits perfectly the topic of this
>> list. Could you tell us the answer for this, too?
> Unfortunately I don't have a solution for getting Erlang to not translate
> control characters to visual representations of them. :-(
> I wasn't even thinking about that Erlang might do that, and only realized
> it when someone else pointed it out.
> That is definitely a question for this list. Unfortunately, from what I've
> seen from other posters, there is no way around this. :-(
> The only characters not intercepted and replaced are ^I to ^M, of the
> control characters. ^I is tab, ^J is linefeed. ^K is vertical tab while ^L
> is formfeed. ^M finally is carriage return.
> Why these are allowed to pass I don't know. I have no idea what ground they
> used for deciding which characters to pass through, and which to intercept.
> I agree with the posted (was that you) who thought that this was less than
> ideal. There should be a way of getting Erlang to not interfere with what
> you output.
>        Johnny
> --
> Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
>                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
> email: bqt@REDACTED             ||  Reading murder books
> pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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