[ANN] BeepBeep

Dmitrii Dimandt dmitriid@REDACTED
Tue Jun 30 12:27:47 CEST 2009

I believe the announcement can now be made regarding the BeepBeep web- 

BeepBeep is a simple web application framework for Erlang inspired by  
Rails and Merb. It follows the principle of convention over  
configuration - meaning if you follow the code structure layout and a  
few rules when building your app, it'll require no extra work on you  
behalf to map Url requests to your Controllers and Views.

BeepBeep is built on MochiWeb and ErlyDTL, providing a super fast web  
server and the ability to define your templates with the Django  
template language.

The framework has been brewing for quite a while since neither the  
author, Dave Bryson [1], nor I [2] have had any time to work on it.  
There was an initial announcement quite some time ago, but I believe  
that it can now be used.

The actual, original, branch of BeepBeep is here: http://github.com/davebryson/beepbeep/
However, the latest commits (pending author's approval) are here: http://github.com/dmitriid/beepbeep/

There's a small demo/documentation site over at http://beepbeep.dmitriid.com/ 
  It's built with the latest development branch at http://github.com/dmitriid/beepbeep/

Play with it, tell us what you think :)

[1] http://weblog.miceda.org/
[2] http://github.com/dmitriid/

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