
Robert Dionne dionne@REDACTED
Thu Jun 4 18:49:10 CEST 2009

Well it's working now. Perhaps I was connected to the wrong node or  
something. I was seeing the message sent but not the return. I tried  
distel:who_calls(M,F,A) in the shell (which worked). Do the modules  
need to be compiled with debug_info? I'm also seeing it not work on  
all methods, I get response such as:

 >> REG_SEND: [TYPE erl-pid distel_18553@REDACTED 185 0 0] rex [[TYPE  
erl-pid distel_18553@REDACTED 185 0 0] [call distel rpc_entry (distel  
who_calls (couch_stats_aggregator get 1)) [TYPE erl-pid  
distel_18553@REDACTED 1 0 0]]]
<< SEND: [TYPE erl-pid distel_18553@REDACTED 185 0 0] [rex nil]

Anyway I suspect these are my issues and I can likely gets this  
worked out. Don't you love it, sometimes all one needs to do is ask  
one of the authors and it all starts working :)

Thanks much, it's a wonderful tool, I read the Gorrie paper on the  
design and I'm hopeful to spend more time with the internals as I can.



On Jun 4, 2009, at 12:06 PM, mats cronqvist wrote:

> Robert Dionne <dionne@REDACTED> writes:
>> Are there any Distel users out here?
>   Hi!
>> If so have you used the "who calls" functionality successfully?
>   Daily.
>> I'm working off a GitHub version of Distel [1] using Aquamacs on OS X
>> 10.4 with Erlang R13B Everything else works fine, debugger. Meta-.,
>> etc.. I wasn't even aware "who calls" was supported as it's not in  
>> the
>> info file.
>   you mean the texi file? a few years of out of date... the README  
> file
>   is more updated.
>> Any pointers, clues, great appreciated.
>   there is a "*trace bla@REDACTED*" buffer.
>   should contain something like;
>>> REG_SEND: [TYPE erl-pid distel_4001@REDACTED 4 0 0] rex [[TYPE
>     erl-pid distel_4001@REDACTED 4 0 0] [call distel rpc_entry (distel
>     who_calls (mod fun 1)) [TYPE erl-pid distel_4001@REDACTED 1 0 0]]]
>  << SEND: [TYPE erl-pid distel_4001@REDACTED 4 0 0]
>     [rex (["x" "y" 4 61] ["a" "b" 4 62])]
>   you can also try running  distel:who_calls(M,F,A) in the erl shell.
>   mats

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