[erlang-questions] Re: Frequent crashes in inets http client (R12B-5)
Oscar Hellström
Fri Jun 5 19:30:27 CEST 2009
Hi All,
As usual, I type too much or too little. The short answer would be:
ibrowse also have issues (see my previous email), but not the blocking
behaviour of inets http client. It can however be a real CPU and memory
drag, and in some cases the timeout handling is questionable.
Best regards
Steve Davis wrote:
> Hi Oscar,
> Do you happen to know whether ibrowse suffers the same limitations?
> regs,
> /s
> On Jun 5, 9:42 am, Oscar Hellström <os...@REDACTED>
> wrote:
>> Not to start a flame war, but I would stay away from the inets http
>> client if I were trying to build something serious. You can find my
>> reasons here:http://www.erlang.org/cgi-bin/ezmlm-cgi?4:mss:43806:200905:gocblgddep...
>> Best regards
>> Chris Newcombe wrote:
>>> Is there a patch for the following issue?
>>> It was reported a while ago:
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/erlang-programming/browse_thread/threa...
>>> I didn't see any replies)
>>> Here's a bit more detail:
>>> httpc_handler is crashing with
>>> {badrecord,request}
>>> (BTW it would be great if badrecord errors also contained the incorrect
>>> term, not just the name of the expected record type)
>>> It’s crashing in
>>> httpc_handler,handle_info,2
>>> The last message received by the gen_server is
>>> {timeout,#Ref<>}
>>> The gen_server #state is
>>> {state,undefined,{tcp_session,{{"my-test-url",8080},<0.709.0>},false,http,# Port<0.1351>,1},undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,{[],[]},pipeline,[# Ref<>],nolimit,nolimit,{options,{undefined,[]},20000,1,100,disabl ed,enabled,false},{timers,[],#Ref<>}
>>> I think the relevant element is the first one (request).
>>> i.e. request == undefined
>>> Given the message, it seems almost certain that the crash is in the second
>>> timeout clause of handle_info,
>>> (marked below with ***).
>>> This clause will fire even if request == undefined, but will try to use
>>> Request#request.from, which crashes with {badrecord,request}
>>> %%% Timeouts
>>> %% Internaly, to a request handling process, a request time out is
>>> %% seen as a canceld request.
>>> handle_info({timeout, RequestId}, State =
>>> #state{request = Request = #request{id = RequestId}}) ->
>>> httpc_response:send(Request#request.from,
>>> httpc_response:error(Request,timeout)),
>>> {stop, normal,
>>> State#state{canceled = [RequestId | State#state.canceled],
>>> request = Request#request{from = answer_sent}}};
>>> *** handle_info({timeout, RequestId}, State = #state{request = Request})
>>> ->
>>> httpc_response:send(Request#request.from,
>>> httpc_response:error(Request,timeout)),
>>> {noreply, State#state{canceled = [RequestId |
>>> State#state.canceled]}};
>>> handle_info(timeout_pipeline, State = #state{request = undefined}) ->
>>> {stop, normal, State};
>>> It looks like State#state.request is being set to undefined without
>>> cancelling an in-progress request timer.
>>> I've only glanced at the code, but both of the following clauses appear to
>>> do that.
>>> (But it could easily be something else.)
>>> %% On a redirect or retry the current request becomes
>>> %% obsolete and the manager will create a new request
>>> %% with the same id as the current.
>>> {redirect, NewRequest, Data}->
>>> ok = httpc_manager:redirect_request(NewRequest, ProfileName),
>>> handle_pipeline(State#state{request = undefined}, Data);
>>> {retry, TimeNewRequest, Data}->
>>> ok = httpc_manager:retry_request(TimeNewRequest, ProfileName),
>>> handle_pipeline(State#state{request = undefined}, Data);
>>> thanks,
>>> Chris
>> --
>> Oscar Hellström, os...@REDACTED
>> Office: +44 20 7655 0337
>> Mobile: +44 798 45 44 773
>> Erlang Training and Consulting Ltdhttp://www.erlang-consulting.com/
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Oscar Hellström, oscar@REDACTED
Office: +44 20 7655 0337
Mobile: +44 798 45 44 773
Erlang Training and Consulting Ltd
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