[erlang-questions] two problems with erlide

Vlad Dumitrescu vladdu55@REDACTED
Wed Jun 3 22:23:09 CEST 2009

Hello Kris,

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 16:23, Kris Prieb <kris_prieb@REDACTED> wrote:
> I am having a very similar problem with the newest version of erlide.  Has
> it been resolved?  I had been using erlide 0.4 which worked fine for me; all
> modules in my application compiled. The problems began when I upgraded to
> erlide 0.6:

> The following is a link to an error report from
> eclipse: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1123930/Kris%20Prieb_20090602_171937.txt

The problem is that the Erlang runtime couldn't be started.

16:59:25,591 F: (ManagedLauncher.java:62) : START node :> C:\Program
Files\erl5.6.5/bin/erl   -mnesia dir '"C:/Users/Kris
Prieb/Documents/Software Dev/Avatar
Workspace/avatar_client/priv/data/avatar_db"' -name
e28788f_KrisPrieb_erlide@REDACTED -setcookie erlide
16:59:25,603 S: (ManagedLauncher.java:119) : Cannot run program
"C:\Program" (in directory "C:\Users\Kris Prieb\Documents\Software
Dev\Avatar Workspace"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find
the file specified

It looks like the path with whitespace confuses Java, which is weird
because for me it looks like

22:11:11,298 F: (ManagedLauncher.java:62) : START node :> C:\Program
Files\erl5.6.5/bin/erl    -name da6753e_erlide@REDACTED -setcookie
22:11:11,307 F: (Backend.java:82) : connect to:: 'da6753e_erlide'
22:11:11,986 F: (Backend.java:98) : using cookie 'erlide...'6 (info: 'erlide')
22:11:12,749 F: (ErlangCode.java:30) : code server started
22:11:12,750 F: (Backend.java:112) : connected!

I have made sure that the executable in the command is surrounded by
quotes, I hope it will help. I can't build a release right now, but
will do that tomorrow.

best regards,

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