[erlang-questions] two problems with erlide

Kris Prieb kris.prieb@REDACTED
Wed Jun 3 16:50:34 CEST 2009

Hello List,

I am having a very similar problem with the newest version of erlide.  Has
it been resolved?  I had been using erlide 0.4 which worked fine for me; all
modules in my application compiled. The problems began when I upgraded to
erlide 0.6:

Now no erlang modules compile.  A "Could not compile file" error appears for
every erlang module under the "Problems" window when attempting to build.
 The problem type for every module is "Erlang Problems".  The line number of
error is 0 for every modules.  No beam files are generated.  Syntax
highlighting continues to work though.

I have this problem with both erlang r12b5 and r13.  I am currently using
Eclipse 3.4.

The following is a link to an error report from eclipse:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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