[erlang-questions] code path when using inet loader

Angel Alvarez clist@REDACTED
Thu Jul 30 18:46:46 CEST 2009

El Miércoles, 29 de Julio de 2009 Sebastien Merle escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with remote code server using a master node
> with erl_boot_server that starts slave nodes with arguments "-loader inet".
> It seems that if the master is started with -pz arguments, the beam files
> from the added path cannot be loaded by the slave nodes.
> If I just start the master in the directory where the beam files are instead
> of adding the path with -pz, the slave can load the beam files.
> Any hints on why this is happening ?

¿does code:get_path() return correct info on slaves?

Maybe -pz arguments need to be passed to slave. i think slave code still controls loading but defers
actual file loading to master server, so proper -pz must be passed on slave startup.


> Regards,
> Sebastien Merle.
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Agua para todo? No, Agua para Todos.
    Clist UAH a.k.a Angel

No le daría Cocacola Zero, ni a mi peor enemigo. Para eso está el gas Mostaza que es mas piadoso.

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