[erlang-questions] can't start rb module

Oscar ro4tub@REDACTED
Thu Jul 30 18:01:46 CEST 2009

Anybody could tell me which document explain SASL configuration files?
Thanks a lot.

2009/7/30 Witold Baryluk <baryluk@REDACTED>:
> Dnia 2009-07-30, czw o godzinie 17:49 +0200, Bengt Kleberg pisze:
>> Greetings,
>> You might not have SASL running. Try
>> application:which_applications().
>> and see if SASL is there.
> Is rb an application? I remember in .app files, there are information
> which other applications we depend on, and need to be started before it.
> BTW. after starting sasl, rb:start/1,2 still doesn't work (with other
> error).
> --
> Witold Baryluk <baryluk@REDACTED>

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