Efficient way to read data from a socket while calculating instant bitrate
Sebastien Merle
Thu Jul 30 13:17:23 CEST 2009
I am reading data from a socket, and I want to be able to calculate
the instant bitrate over a period of time.
I am currently doing something like:
download(Sock, Monitor) ->
erlang:send_after(?MONITORING_PERIOD, self(), {monitor}),
download(Sock, Monitor, erlang:now(), 0).
download(Sock, Monitor, LastTime, BytesDelta) ->
ok = inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
{tcp, Sock, Data} ->
download(Sock, Monitor, LastTime, BytesDelta + size(Data));
{tcp_closed, Sock} -> ok;
{monitor} ->
Now = erlang:now(),
TimeDelta = timer:now_diff(Now, LastTime),
Rate = (BytesDelta * 1000000) div TimeDelta,
Monitor ! {rate, self(), Rate},
erlang:send_after(?MONITORING_PERIOD, self(), {monitor}),
download(Sock, Monitor, Now, 0)
This is working, but with very high bitrates it seems rather inefficient because
it receives a lot of small messages.
It request the packets one by one by calling inet:setopts because it does
some client-side rate control at the same time (not included in the
sample code).
Any suggestions to make this more efficient ?
Sebastien Merle.
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