[erlang-questions] Nested for-loops, there has to be a better way to do this
Zoltan Lajos Kis
Wed Jul 29 20:57:55 CEST 2009
And what do I gain using this for function compared to simply writing an
"ad-hoc" recursive function whenever needed ?
fun(I) -> body(I) end,
fun(I) -> I < 20 end,
fun(I) -> I + 2 end
my_fun(20) -> ok;
my_fun(I) -> body(I), my_fun(I+2).
PS: seriously, is this what the original question was getting at?
Brentley Jones wrote:
> This is my take on it:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> -module(for).
> -export([for/4, test_1/0, test_2/0]).
> for(BodyFun, Acc, ConditionFun, StepFun) ->
> Done = ConditionFun(Acc),
> if Done == false ->
> Acc;
> true ->
> NewAcc = BodyFun(Acc),
> LastAcc = StepFun(NewAcc),
> for(BodyFun, LastAcc, ConditionFun, StepFun)
> end.
> test_1() ->
> Body = fun(I) ->
> io:format("i=~p~n", [I]),
> I
> end,
> for(Body, 0, fun(I) -> I < 10 end, fun(I) -> I + 1 end),
> ok.
> test_2() ->
> CondFun = fun(X) -> X < 5 end,
> StepFun = fun(X) -> X + 1 end,
> BodyInner = fun(J) ->
> io:format("~p", [J]),
> J
> end,
> BodyOuter = fun(I) ->
> for(BodyInner, 0, CondFun, StepFun),
> io:format("~n"),
> I
> end,
> for(BodyOuter, 0, CondFun, StepFun),
> ok.
> %%%%% Output:
> 2> for:test_2().
> 01234
> 01234
> 01234
> 01234
> 01234
> ok
> 3> for:test_1().
> i=0
> i=1
> i=2
> i=3
> i=4
> i=5
> i=6
> i=7
> i=8
> i=9
> ok
> On Jul 29, 2009, at 11:25 AM, Cláudio Amaral wrote:
>> Used some of previous code...
>> I tried to make a polymorphic function and coupled an example... this
>> ended a little bit confusing, but as you can see, it makes all
>> iterations (check the printed indexes, reversed).
>> The body behaviour is the tricky stuff to code, but in exchange it is
>> modular...
>> Since I am an erlang newb, please correct anything you see as bad
>> programming
>> Cláudio
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> -module(for_loop).
>> -export([for/4, show/0]).
>> for(BodyFunc, BodyArgs, StepFunc, {First, Last}) ->
>> for_(BodyFunc, BodyArgs, StepFunc, {First, Last}, First).
>> for_(BodyFunc, BodyArgs, StepFunc, {_, LastTerm}, LastTerm) ->
>> BodyFunc(BodyArgs, LastTerm);
>> for_(BodyFunc, BodyArgs, StepFunc, LimitsTuple, IndexTerm) ->
>> NextArgs = BodyFunc(BodyArgs, IndexTerm),
>> for_(BodyFunc, NextArgs, StepFunc, LimitsTuple, StepFunc(IndexTerm)).
>> show() ->
>> for( fun(A1,A2)->body1(A1,A2) end,
>> [{0,3}, [{1,0}], [{3,6},{1,2}]],
>> fun(I) -> I+1 end,
>> {0,3}
>> ).
>> body1([ LimitsTuple, [{NLoop,II}|Rest], []],I) ->
>> print([ I | lists:map(fun({_,Snd}) -> Snd end, Rest) ]),
>> IndexInfo = [{NLoop,II}|Rest],
>> [ LimitsTuple, IndexInfo, []];
>> body1([ LimitsTuple, [{NLoop,II}|Rest], [{X1,Xn}|XS]],I) ->
>> for( fun (A1,A2)->body1(A1,A2) end,
>> [ LimitsTuple, [ {NLoop+1,II}, {NLoop,I} | Rest ], XS],
>> fun(K) -> K+1 end,
>> {X1,Xn}
>> ),
>> IndexInfo = [{NLoop,II}|Rest],
>> [ LimitsTuple, IndexInfo, [{X1,Xn}|XS] ].
>> print(Numbers) ->
>> io:format("indexes ~p~n", [Numbers]).
>> kiszl@REDACTED escreveu:
>>> Regards,
>>> Z.
>>>> I was playing around with the idea of implementing a nested for-loop
>>>> like construct (I will concede, they are evil, but at rare times,
>>>> necessary.) In non-functional programming languages, they are trivial
>>>> to do. However, this has proved to be one of those simple things that
>>>> are a pain in the neck for me. The idea was to be able to pass in a
>>>> list [5, 5, 10] (for example) and go through it all like 3 dimensional
>>>> array. The below illustration is far from elegant (it's almost 23:00
>>>> where I live and need to go to work tomorrow early, so no time to come
>>>> up with something more sane :) ), but is there as an inquisitive
>>>> exercise. Now, in my opinion, this implementation sucks (first time
>>>> I've ever gave such a problem a shot in Erlang.)
>>>> Is there a better way to do this? Anyone would like to demonstrate
>>>> it?
>>>> Note: I've tested this code with the lists [2, 4] and [2, 4, 5].
>>>> Compiled with:
>>>> Erlang (SMP,ASYNC_THREADS,HIPE) (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.5
>>>> My code:
>>>> ======================================
>>>> -module(loopWrapper).
>>>> -export([runLoop/1]).
>>>> runLoop(List) ->
>>>> [FirstVal | RestList] = List,
>>>> NextVal = FirstVal - 1,
>>>> if (length(RestList) > 0) and (FirstVal > 0) ->
>>>> io:format("~B~n~n", [FirstVal]),
>>>> runLoop(RestList),
>>>> io:format("~n~n"),
>>>> runLoop([NextVal | RestList]);
>>>> FirstVal > 0 ->
>>>> io:format("~B", [FirstVal]),
>>>> runLoop([NextVal]);
>>>> true ->
>>>> null
>>>> end.
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