[erlang-questions] 20k messages in 4s but want to go faster!

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Tue Jul 14 00:55:08 CEST 2009

On Jul 10, 2009, at 8:45 PM, Matthew Sackman wrote:

> Also, I have to say, I wouldn't use a dict. Immutable data  
> structures in
> Erlang are _slow_ when compared to, eg, ets. OTOH, if you've timed the
> fold and found it's only taking 0.2 secs, then that's clearly not the
> problem here.

I switched to ETS for my subscriber list. Two wit:

info: [{memory,14284},
time: 26.076

info: [{memory,141821},
time: 722.08

It's ~20ms to traverse 1000 subscribers, close to 1s for 10k and about  
2s for 20k.

It looks like around 30% of my 10k max latency is taken up by the  

My code looks like this:

     Msg1 = {message, iolist_to_binary(mochijson2:encode(JSON))},
     F = fun({Pid, _}, _) -> gen_server:cast(Pid, Msg1) end,
     F1 = fun() ->
                  A = now(),
                  ets:foldr(F, ignore, State#state.subs),
                  io:format("time: ~p~n", [timer:now_diff(now(), A) /  

I think it was faster with a dict, perhaps I should time it again.

It doesn't matter to me how long it takes to modify the data structure  
to add a new subscriber but traversal time does matter.

	Thanks, Joel

Mac hacker with a performance bent

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