pg2 on ec2

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Fri Jul 10 15:52:08 CEST 2009

Please disregard! Foot in mouth!

On Jul 10, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Joel Reymont wrote:

> I'm using R13B01 and making my gen_server join the pg2 group like  
> this:
> init([Trace]) ->
>    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
>    pg2:create(?MODULE),
>    ok = pg2:join(?MODULE, self()),
>    {ok, new(Trace)}.
> I start two nodes and launch my gen_server on node #2. I can see the  
> process in the group with pg2:get_members/1. Problem is,  
> initialization on node #1 succeeds both on my Mac and on Amazon EC2  
> (Ubuntu 9.04) but I don't see the local node's process on EC2.
> It's as if pg2 was ignoring my attempts to join the group on the  
> other node while dutifully reporting that everything is fine.
> Furthermore, if I convert the pid returned in {ok, Pid} from list to  
> pid and manually make it join the group then everything is fine on  
> EC2.
> Any suggestions?
> 	Thanks, Joel
> ---
> Mac hacker with a performance bent

Mac hacker with a performance bent

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