[erlang-questions] SSL RNG seeding

Robert Schonberger rschonberger@REDACTED
Fri Jul 10 11:34:06 CEST 2009

did you look at crypto:rand_bytes/1 ?

2009/6/1 Greg Perry <Greg.Perry@REDACTED>

> Ugh.  From the ssl module documentation:
> ----------
> seed(Data) -> ok | {error, Reason}
> Types:
> Data = iolist() | binary()
> Seeds the ssl random generator.
> It is strongly advised to seed the random generator after the ssl
> application has been started, and before any connections are
> established. Although the port program interfacing to the OpenSSL
> libraries does a "random" seeding of its own in order to make everything
> work properly, that seeding is by no means random for the world since it
> has a constant value which is known to everyone reading the source code
> of the seeding.
> A notable return value is {error, edata}} indicating that Data was not a
> binary nor an iolist.
> ----------
> So SSL uses a hardcoded seed value within the source code, is this
> standard across all of the Erland cryto libraries?
> Regards
> Greg
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Robert Schonberger

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