[erlang-questions] optimizing an asynchronous architecture

Joel Reymont joelr1@REDACTED
Tue Jul 7 23:15:29 CEST 2009


Do you have any usage examples?

I'm using a home-grown stats server myself. It keeps track of min,  
max, avg, etc. values for any label I choose and dumps accumulated  
stats every so often.

	Thanks, Joel

On Jul 7, 2009, at 9:59 PM, Cliff Moon wrote:

> One technique that I was successful in using was timing exit and  
> entry points for the various servers I was interested in using a one  
> off profiling server to collect the statistics.  Code for the  
> profiling server is here:
> http://github.com/cliffmoon/dynomite/blob/b621762c1d052f8e4e85f5f4e057ed04389014d2/elibs/dynomite_prof.erl
> And profiling is turned off or on via a macro during the build:
> http://github.com/cliffmoon/dynomite/blob/cfe6dd6768d39a268ff2d49203bb2b70e19cba16/include/profile.hrl

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