[erlang-questions] Asn.1 Question

Kenneth Lundin kenneth.lundin@REDACTED
Fri Jul 3 11:40:05 CEST 2009


Please provide the ASN.1 spec(s) , info about how you compiled them
and the input bytes you are trying to decode and I will
take a look. If you have more information about what the input bytes
ought to be decoded to please provide that too.

Regards Kenneth,  Erlang/OTP, Ericsson

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Behdad
Forghani<behdad.forghani@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi,
> I compiled LTE ASN.1 S1-AP specification with asn1ct. When I try to decode a
> message, I get the error:
> exception error: no match of right hand side value.
> The line that produces the error is:
> {Tmpterm1, Bytes3} = ?RT_PER:decode_open_type(Bytes2, [])
> It seems to me the decoder is calling decode_open_type and passing an empty
> list as the second parameter.
> Tmpterm1, Bytes3 and Bytes2 are unbound. Is my analysis correct? Sorry, I am
> very new to Erlang.
> Is this a bug in Asn.1 compiler?
> Is this the correct forum to ask this question?
> I really appreciate if any help you can give me. I am just getting my feet
> wet on Erlang.
> I am using OTP R13B01.
> The detailed error is:
> ** exception error: no match of right hand side value
>                   <<0,0,3,0,8,0,3,0,0,0,0,67,0,6,5,37,245,64,0,1,0,26,0,12,
>                     11>>
>    in function  asn1rt_per_bin:getoctets_as_bin/2
>    in call from 'S1AP-PDU-Descriptions':dec_InitiatingMessage/2
>       called as 'S1AP-PDU-Descriptions':dec_InitiatingMessage({3,
>                                                                <<0,12,64,36,
>                                                                  0,0,3,0,8,
>                                                                  0,3,0,0,0,
>                                                                  0,67,0,6,5,
>                                                                  37,245,64,
>                                                                  0,1,0,26,
>                                                                  ...>>},
>                                                               telltype)
>    in call from 'S1AP-PDU-Descriptions':'dec_S1AP-PDU'/2
>    in call from 'S1AP-PDU-Descriptions':decode_disp/2
>   The function is:
> dec_InitiatingMessage'(Bytes,_) ->
> %%  attribute number 1 with type procedureCode
> {Term1,Bytes1} = ?RT_PER:decode_integer(Bytes,[{'ValueRange',{0,255}}]),
> %%  attribute number 2 with type criticality
> {Term2,Bytes2} =
> ?RT_PER:decode_enumerated(Bytes1,[{'ValueRange',{0,2}}],{reject,ignore,notify}),
> %%  attribute number 3 with type InitiatingMessage
> {Tmpterm1, Bytes3} = ?RT_PER:decode_open_type(Bytes2, []),
> Regards,
> Behdad
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