WebSocket impl for Mochiweb

Dave Bryson daveb@REDACTED
Tue Dec 15 00:33:35 CET 2009

Like many others, the WebSocket bug bit me. So I've implemented a  
little add on for Mochiweb. Basically the module wraps the  
mochiweb_socket_server and allows you to write WebSocket based apps  
similar to how you'd write a regular web application in Mochiweb.   
Here's an example from the source code:

-export([start/1, stop/0, loop/1]).

start(Options) ->
     Loop = fun (WebSocket) ->
     mochiweb_websocket:start([{name, ?MODULE}, {loop, Loop} |  

stop() ->

loop(WebSocket) ->
     %% Get the data sent from the client
     Data = WebSocket:get_data(),

     %% This is a little echo service.  The "client-connected" is just  
our implementation
     %% for this example.  See priv/www/index.html
     case Data of
	"client-connected" ->
	    WebSocket:send("You are connected!");
	%% Other messages go here
	Other ->
	    Msg = "You Said: " ++ Other,

You can find the source here:  http://github.com/davebryson/erlang_websocket

This is just a quick bit of code, but it seems to work fine for  
playing around.


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