[erlang-questions] case statements really required??

Attila Rajmund Nohl attila.r.nohl@REDACTED
Fri Dec 4 13:52:20 CET 2009

2009/12/4, kiran <kiran.khaladkar@REDACTED>:
> hi,
> is it good to use case statements in functional language..  according to
> me .. pattern matching-functions could do the task.
> any commnets??

Using pattern matching leads to "function fragmentation", i.e. to
loads of one liner function cases and it gets hard to follow the
control flow. Let's consider this code:

check_language(Module) ->
    case catch Module:module_info(exports) of
	{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
	Exports ->
	    case {lists:member({blm_cmd, 0}, Exports),
		  lists:member({blm_error, 1}, Exports)} of
		{true, true} ->
		    {ok, blm_lang};
		_ ->

12 lines, does what it's named (returns {ok, blm_lang} if the two
specified functions are exported from the module, otherwise returns
not_blm. Without case the code would look like this:

check_language(Module) ->
   really_check_language(catch Module:module_info(exports)).

really_check_language({'Exit', _Reason}) ->

really_check_language(Exports) ->
    lists:member({blm_error, 1}, Exports));

check_exported_functions(true, true) ->
  {ok, blm_lang};

check_exported_functions(_, _) ->

16 lines of screen used (and no documentation comments, type
specifications, etc. are written, they could add a couple of more
lines), a stupid function name had to be invented, etc. Consider the
equivalent in Java:

    String checkLanguage(String module) {
        try {
            int f=0;
            for (Method m : Class.forName(module).getMethods()) {
                if (m.getName().equals("blm_cmd") ||
m.getName().equals("blm_error")) {
            return (f==2?"{ok, blm_lang}":"not_blm");
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            return "not_blm";

15 lines, but 5 of them contain only "}" (the original Erlang also
contained two lines of only "end", so it's the same length).

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