[erlang-questions] Get a large string by socket
Joe Armstrong
Thu Apr 23 10:24:21 CEST 2009
If both the client and server are in erlang then it's easy
open the socket at both ends with a {packet,4} option. (read the
gen_tcp manual page)
Then when you do gen_server:send(Socket, Data)
the data will be preceded by a 4 byte length header.
The receiving end will perform any necessary recombination of the
data (if fragmented) and deliver the data as a single message.
If the server is not in erlang, then you will have to read the length
header and perform recombination yourself.
If the data is really large you might have to rethink this.
For small strings this is fine - What is small depends on your hardware.
Typically transferring up to a few tens of MBytes should not be a problem,
just send and receive them in a single call. If you're talking GB then
you should
probably rethink this - for large strings *don't* use strings use binaries!
2009/4/22 Jose Enrique Benitez Jimenez <jebenitez@REDACTED>:
> Hello friends,
> This code receive a string by socket ( {tcp, Socket_, Bin} ), but the string
> is too large so it just get a piece of it, but I need get it all, Do any of
> you have an idea for do that in a simple way?
> net_loop(Socket, Function, State, From)->
> receive
> {connect, Host, Port}->
> {ok, Socket_} =
> gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [list, {packet, 0}]),
> net_loop(Socket_, Function,
> connected, From);
> {send, Data, From_}->
> gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data),
> net_loop(Socket, Function,
> State, From_);
> {tcp, Socket_, Bin} ->
> From ! {respuesta,Bin},
> net_loop(Socket_, Function,
> State, From);
> {tcp_closed, Socket_}->
> gen_tcp:close(Socket_)
> end.
> % Thanks
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