[erlang-questions] List Comprehensions permutation
Richard O'Keefe
Fri Apr 3 00:42:02 CEST 2009
On 3 Apr 2009, at 8:34 am, contact@REDACTED wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently bought the book "Programming Erlang" by Joe Armstrong and I
> have a little problem of comprehension about the logical of an
> algorithm.
> Here is the sample from the book :
> perms([]) -> [[]];
> perms(L) ->
> [[H|T] || H <- L, T <- perms(L--[H])].
> I would like to know why we return [[]] and not [] ?
Because it simply isn't true that there are no
permutations of the empty list. perms(L) returns a list
of all the permutations of L. There is ONE permutation
of the empty list, namely []. So perms([]) returns a
list containing that one permutation, [[]].
> I have try some tests :
> 6> [[H|T] || H <- [1], T <- []].
> []
> 7> [[H|T] || H <- [1], T <- [[]]].
> [[1]]
> For me it's not logical,
> in my brain its should be something like :
> 8> [1|[]].
> [1]
[1|[]] is indeed [1]. But perms([1]) is supposed to
return a LIST OF PERMUTATIONS, not a single permutation.
So perms([1]) should return [[1]], just as
perms([1,2]) should return [[1,2],[2,1]] or something
like that.
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