[erlang-questions] problems with eclispe erlide
Vlad Dumitrescu
Mon Sep 29 09:21:20 CEST 2008
2008/9/29 Nirav Shah <niravshah99@REDACTED>:
> i have been trying to use Eclipse as an editor for erlang
> did install the plugin and set up the run time but dont know how to execute
> the Erlang project .
I suppose you are using the latest version available (0.3.80 or
later). I am currently writing the documentation for this, I'll try to
explain briefly.
First of all, I assume that the project builds and that you get all
the IDE functionality.
To run or debug your code, you have to launch an Erlang node for it.
This is done by going to Run->Run configurations... (or Run->Open Run
dialog... for Eclipse 3.3), select Erlang application and create a new
launch configuration. Give it a good name, check the needed projects
in the list and on the "runtimes" tab choose a runtime, a name for the
node and check "start the node if not running". These are the
mandatory options.
When you click Run (or later, when you choose this configuration in
the Run menu), a node will be started (or an existing one will be
contacted, if the name matches) and a console will be shown where you
can start your program and check the results.
Please note that:
* this console has limited editing functionality for the input
* the "normal" console that is shown in Eclipse is for now almost
useless, as the projects' code is not loaded into it
* the launch configuration can be used to start the debugger too, more
detailed instructions on how to use it will be available soon, until
then it's an unsupported feature.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
best regards,
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