[erlang-questions] SASL logger

Dave Bryson daveb@REDACTED
Thu Sep 25 23:33:06 CEST 2008

I'm having a problem getting the logger to work the way I'd like.   
Basically I want to log any error messages to a single file.  I'm  
seeing the Progress reports in the log file but not the error  
message.  I'm starting a shell like this:

 > erl -pa $PWD/ebin $PWD/deps/*/ebin -boot start_sasl -config log1

log1.config looks like this:

[{sasl,[ {sasl_error_logger,{file,"log.txt"}} ]}].

Then from the shell I'm calling > error_logger:error_msg("test).

It output to the shell but not the log file.  What am I missing?


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