[erlang-questions] Suggestions for Erlang BarCamp Presentation?

Rusty Klophaus rklophaus@REDACTED
Thu Sep 25 06:47:46 CEST 2008

Hello all,

I will be attending BarCamp in Washington, DC on October 18th, and  
I'd like to use it as an opportunity to spread the word about Erlang.

BarCamp, from what I understand, is a grassroots tech-focused  
conference that's held in a number of different cities. There are  
slots during the day where attendees can sign up to give a 30 minute  
presentation on interesting technology. (http://barcampdc.org)

So my questions are:

1. Have you given or attended a good Erlang presentation at BarCamp  
or elsewhere, and what was the focus?

2. If you were going to give a talk to get people excited about  
Erlang, what would you say?

3. I've never been to BarCamp before. Any overall suggestions on how  
to make the most of it?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Rusty Klophaus

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