[erlang-questions] Stringification in erlang macros
Maxim Treskin
Thu Sep 25 06:43:56 CEST 2008
> ??Foo stringifies the macro argument Foo. See the eunit.hrl
> file for examples of writing assertion macros:
I have some strange behaviour with this. When I wrote macros like:
-define(A(Cond), io:format("[~w:~b]: " ++ ??Cond ++ "~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE])).
it writes me line with number 1, not with current line number, i.e.:
[t:1]: V1 =/= V2
If I remove ??Cond and macros will be:
-define(A(Cond), io:format("[~w:~b]: " ++ "~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE])).
it shows current line number, i.e.:
It seems some bug here...
Maxim Treskin
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