[erlang-questions] Edoc question

Serge Aleynikov saleyn@REDACTED
Thu Sep 25 04:10:40 CEST 2008


Attached is a sample overview from the jungerl/LAMA project, and here's 
how you can customize location of the overview file (see the 'overview' 

$ cd your_app/src
$ erl -pa ../bin -run edoc_run files '["your_file1.erl", 
"your_file2.erl"]' '[{overview,"../doc/overview.edoc"}, 
{dev,{vsn,"$VSN"}}, {dir, "../doc"}, {application, "your_app_name"}]'


Robert Virding wrote:
> 2008/9/22 Richard Carlsson <richardc@REDACTED>
>> Robert Virding wrote:
>>> - For my applications I would like to write an extended description of
>>> the system in the overview and need the full formatting in the overview.
>>> Edoc itself does this by having a user's guide, this would be
>>> acceptable, while yecc puts everything into description of the yecc
>>> module, which I think is the wrong place for it.
>> I also think that the high-level description should go in the overview,
>> and that is how I write my docs. I just wonder what you mean by "the
>> full formatting"? The contents of the overview file are parsed just like
>> a source code comment (without the leading % characters), and there is
>> not much difference between what you can do in a module @doc and an
>> overview @doc. You have the same wiki expansion, macros, and of course
>> full xhtml for anything else you might need, such as tables. The
>> overview.edoc file for edoc itself should be a decent reference.
> I will try it some more and see if I can get it to work. There is no
> overview.edoc file for edoc in the distribution, from where can I get it?
> How do I setup edoc so it will not look in my src directory but use the
> .edoc files in my doc directory instead?
> Robert
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