[erlang-questions] currying and lazy evaluation questions
John Hughes
Wed Sep 24 07:05:09 CEST 2008
There's another problem with this approach: it involves copying a function
between processes (in the spawn_link in delay below). As has been pointed
out several times recently, this copying losing all sharing in the
representation. Function closures can contain a LOT of sharing in their
representations, and this can really blow up memory use--you can send a
function from a process with a heap of a few kilobytes, and find you're
failing to allocate half a gigabyte or so in the receiver. If one tried to
model lazy evaluation this way, and made much use of it, then I would expect
this to happen quickly. (It certainly happened quickly to me!)
> One aspect of many lazy functional implementations is that delayed
> computations are memoized when forced - the evaluated result is stored,
> so that in
> Promise = ?DELAY(expensive_computation(X, Y, Z)),
> Value1 = ?FORCE(Promise),
> Value2 = ?FORCE(Promise)
> the expensive computation is only evaluated once. This can have a
> dramatic effect on the efficiency of lazy functional data structures,
> as shown in Okasaki.
> Sadly, there's no trick for getting this behavior in purely functional
> code, since it involves a side effect. However, one can throw processes
> at the problem:
> delay(Thunk) ->
> spawn_link(fun() -> lazy_wait(Thunk) end).
> force(Lazy) ->
> Lazy ! {self(), force},
> receive
> {Lazy, Result} -> Result
> end.
> lazy_wait(Thunk) ->
> receive
> {Proc, force} ->
> Result = Thunk(),
> Proc ! {self(), Result},
> memo_loop(Result)
> end.
> memo_loop(Result) ->
> receive
> {Proc, force} ->
> Proc ! {self(), Result},
> memo_loop(Result)
> end.
> I don't think that processes get garbage collected, so there's a
> nontrivial problem of reclaiming resources. This trick still might
> be useful in some limitied settings, through.
> Jim
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