[erlang-questions] How to dynamically add one node to erlang's distrubted application?

Andrew Stone stondage123@REDACTED
Tue Sep 9 17:08:48 CEST 2008

You can start the 4th node and do a net_kernel:connect to one of the other nodes. Just make sure that the cookies are the same on all nodes.

----- Original Message ----
From: devdoer bird <devdoer2@REDACTED>
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Sent: Tuesday, September 9, 2008 3:46:00 AM
Subject: [erlang-questions] How to dynamically add one node to erlang's distrubted application?

I have a distrbuted system  using erlang's distributed application mechanism.It firstly ran on 3 nodes with the config file like this:
  [{distributed, [{myapp, 5000, [cp1@REDACTED, {cp2@REDACTED, cp3@REDACTED}]}]},
   {sync_nodes_mandatory, [cp2@REDACTED, cp3@REDACTED]},
   {sync_nodes_timeout, 5000}
Now I want to  add one more node to  the system  .How can I do this using erlang's distributed applicaiton mechanism? Do I have to edit the config file on all 3 nodes to add the 4th node and restart all of them? 
Thanks .
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